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2015 Birdies for Charity - Participating Pros.
楠ㄧ 绮剧 瀛 绁炵粡澶栫 娉屽翱澶栫 . 閲嶇偣绉戝 锛氬懠鍚哥 娉屽翱澶栫 椋庢箍绉? 绁炵粡鍐呯 绁炵粡澶栫 鑰佸勾鍖诲 . 鐜板湪澶栭槾鍙戠棐锛岃 冭檻瀛樺湪鐐庣棁锛屽彲浠ユ彁鍙栫櫧甯 繘琛屽寲楠岋紝鐜板湪鍙 互閲囧彇娲楁恫娓呮礂鍚庡唴濉炶嵂鐗? 鏈堢粡鏈熼棿鑵圭柤灞炰簬鐥涚粡銆傜棝缁忔槸鐢变簬瀛愬 鍐呰啘鍚堟垚鐨勫墠鍒楄吅绱犲紩璧峰瓙瀹 墽鐑堟敹缂 紩璧风殑銆傚 . 鍖荤敓濂斤紒 缇庡 闄 噷鎺掗吀姣掔湡鑳芥不瀹 瘨鍚楋紵. 鎮h 呯殑鎯呭喌锛屽氨鍥剧墖鏉ヨ 锛岃 冭檻涓虹梾姣掓 ф劅鏌撱 佺柋鐤圭殑鍙 兘鎬э紝鍙 互鍘诲尰闄 鏌ヤ竴涓嬶紝鍙 互. 鐪肩 寮犻 鍗庡壇涓讳换鍖荤敓缁欐垜鍋氱殑鎵嬫湳鎰熻 闈炲父濂? 寮犲ぇ澶 尰鏈 珮,瀵规偅鑰呮 佸害濂? .
Click on Buttons for more information. For further information call 09 814 9973. Or write to PO Box 20 257 Glen Eden. Serving the naturist and nudist community. A copy of our latest brochure, in pdf format, is available here.
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